This includes my father. I grew up with the history of WWII all around me. My father was in the invasion of Okinawa, and on the boat for the invasion of Japan when Truman dropped the bombs. Without that decision, my father would likely not have survived, I and my children would never have existed. My father told funny stories about his time in Okinawa, but would avoid saying much about his combat experience. When he died at the age of eighty, a contingent from the army was there and presented the family with a flag, which I have and remains precious.
Contrary to others in my generation, I always felt that the Viet Nam War was a necessary battle, as in that time we were in a life and death struggle with Communism on the march, and for a while it looked like we were losing a large part of the world. Historians are now thinking that the Viet Nam War did stop the spread of Communism in Asia, and allowed countires like S. Korea, Japan, the Philiipines, and Thailand to develope into free, captialist states, and ultimately led to the exhaustion of the Communists during the cold war.
Thanks to the Vets from all of our wars, including WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan.